I’m a Host Please tell us more about your accommodation. Fields marked with “*” are mandatory. Location of accommodation * How many people can you host * Type of accomodation * —Please choose an option—Shared ApartmentEntire ApartmentShared HomeEntire HomeHotelMunicipal Refugee Accommodations Number of rooms * Number of Apartments Available Number of Homes Available I am offering * PermanentTemporary PaidFree What Price? * Acceptance * —Please choose an option—I only want to host women without childrenI will only host adults (no possibility to host children)I am able to host women with children (PLEASE NOTE: no children can be housed without an adult parent or legal guardian) Your Name * Your contact information Mobile Landline Your email * Other (Whatsapp, Telegram, etc) I can provide other assistance Please feel free to share more about your family and yourself